May 8, 2007

eMail ethics.

On the books that I read on email ethics, I found only very abstract level of recommendations on how to address email ethics and suggest some rules which might encourage a socially responsible e-mail culture. Few recommendations will be like

1. Remember the Human
2. Respect other people's time and bandwidth
3. Know where you are in cyberspace
4. ...

I have started using emails without knowing what is ethical, but never got into any trouble. The corporate world taught me few lessons that text books forgot.

1. Know your People - Be aware of whom the email should be addressed. (ie To & CC).

2. Know your Language - The Subject & Body of the email should be brief, clear and more importantly, convey the same message.

3. Know your Action - Should I 'Reply' or 'Reply to All'?

4. Know your Priority - Should never raise a false alarm.

5. Know your Grammar - I think I don't need to explain.

6. Know your Limits - Learn when to respond and understand the hierarchy of escalation.

Email ethics with the above points will make one a more effectively communicator.

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