Sep 3, 2007

Power of Argument!

Not all have the same ideas. Opinion differs with every individuals. In a collaborative work place, not all the ideas can be considered. One has to be smart enough to choose one without hurting anyone psychologically.

Everyone thinks that their's is the best among all available options to choose. You have to win the argument to make your idea count. By winning an argument, I mean convincing others to think the way you do, 'Yours is the best available option.'

If you are not smart enough, you would end up being rude. So, how to win the argument?

1) First & Foremost, you should know the what you are arguing for. With all obvious reasons, you can't lead the way without knowing the destination.

Example : 'This is a debate to choose a recruiting strategy.'

2) You should know what you are trying to achieve by arguing.

Example : 'I'm trying to convince the forum that the talent reference is the best strategy for recruiting.'

3) Learn to control your emotions. In an argument, everybody will raise their hands to prove your are wrong and they are right. Unfortunately, they will hurt to emotionally. You should keep your head cools to win. Otherwise, even the best ideas loose.

4) Let others speak. By doing so, you are making others feel that they have put their point forward and their point are considered during discussion.

5) Last but never the least, be ready to loose sometimes. Prepare yourself to loose when others have a good ideas. You have to approach the argument with open mind. Losing is also a way to win.

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