Nov 10, 2006

Level of tolerance/patience...

Today is Friday and I have planned to travel tonight to my hometown. So, I left my bike at home and decided to take a bus to my office. It is difficult to get on a bus during peak hours. So, I decided to go a little late.

Incident 1.
I wantedly ignored few buses to avoid the crowd and finally boarded in a bus. Unfortunately, the bus was moving with snail's speed. I learnt that there were some problem with engine. It took 5 mins to travel 1 km. So I got down at next stop.

Incident 2.
Again I waited for about 20 minutes to get another buses. I was surprised to see a bus with literally no passengers. I thought itz my fortune this time. But the conductor told the waiting passengers that he can accomodate only limited load because one of the back left side wheels got punctured. I got into the bus and reached my office.

In both the incidents, the condition of bus are not good enough to complete the trip.

1) The driver & conductor are not ready to cancel the trip.
2) The government is not ready to redefine the condition of buses running on road.
3) Neither public nor the opposition leaders are not ready to avoid/ignore/protest against these incidents.

Government and the public service sectors are testing the level of tolerance of the public and public is not ready to fight for their own rights.

Everybody including me expect someone to initiate the fire and they are ready to back them up...who is that somebody?

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