Nov 4, 2006

Buying a house..

Few weeks back when I decided to book an individual house in my home-town (Avanashi), I didn't realize that there are so-many complecations involved in it. When I went with my friends (Selva & Venz) accompanyed by our Senior Sangetha's hubee (Siva), I learnt a lot.

He asked several questions to the promotors about the house before making his final decision. I didn't even realize that I should ask these question to them. To list a few questions

1) Who owns the Road & Park that are part of the township?

I was under the impression that they belong to the association but infact they all belong to local panchayat. This means no-one can control the traffic inside the township.

2) What would happen if all the club facilities or even the house are not completed on-time?

I thought that is not going to impact us much. But the truth is that we are paying a sum towards it.

3) He also made sure that what are all part of the agreement, and what would happen if the agreement are not met.

I have learnt lot of new things on what are things that I should be looking for. I learnt that it was not the first property that Siva was buying.

Experience makes us perfect.

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