Oct 26, 2006

Is it a No Entry zone for us?

Our Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh, has reshuffled his cabinet yet again yesterday. Out of 80 ministers in power, 90 % are above 60 years of age, which is considered as the retirement age for government employee.

The government baselined 60 years as the retirement age because one might not be able to work as efficient as before. But it looks like for politics this formulae might not work.

What surprise me most is that there are only 2 ministers at the age group between 30 & 39 and they are Mr. Maran & Dr. Anbumani. These two are there not because of their talent but because of their politically strong family backings. Leaving these two, it looks like our Indian Government is a No Entry Zone for young guns.

If this continues I feel "Young stars are the back-bone of India" will become a Myth very soon.

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