Jul 13, 2007

What does it done to me?

I just wanted to review and share what an year of blogging does it to me/my life.

1) It has opened up my views. I've started observing the happening in my own perception.

2) Improved my expression thru' writings. I knew it is not an easy job to express your feeling using words. Blogging has definitely help me to improve.

3) Being an Hobby, it has helped me to control/divert from my stress.

I used to spend a maximum of an hour daily to blog. As I personally don't like long stories, I kept my writings short. If anything touched my heart or brain in a given day, I improvise on that to make it a complete blog.

Thanks for all the viewers. Hopefully, my writings didn't disappoint and hurt you all. Let me know your feedback.

Keep visiting and enjoy reading.

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