Jun 28, 2007

Tomorrow will be better!

I have been part of many interviews and none of them were closed without hearing "I am very optimistic person." This show the importance of being 'Optimistic'. You might have had a bad day. Optimism is, going to bed believing 'Tomorrow will be better than Today'.

What is the importance of being optimistic at work?

1) If you think you can't, you will never make it. So, being optimistic will help you to achieve goals/objectives.

2) If you think you can, people around you think they also can. Not just you, your team also will be with you to achieve their goals/objectives.

3) If you are not optimistic, a small mistake will make you fall.

You can't be optimistic for an hour or a day. Your mind and soul has to thing same way. Focussed approach, Clear Vision, Defined Goals will help you being optimistic.

1 comment:

Krishna said...

Believe it or not, I just blogged abt my interview experience and then thot its long since I visited your blog, came here just to see your interview experience! :-)