Jun 14, 2007

I'm a Professional.

Working with different group/team is a very common in any industry. Every group will have its own objectives that are derived from organisation objectives. A group alone can't achieve the goal, it has to be a team effort.

There might be a group exists in the organisation whose objective is to find fault in your groups activities (like testing and quality). Eventually, they might find fault on your work. There are two ways of handling this, professional and personal.

The Professional Approach
You have to be matured enough to accept that you might have done a mistake and work towards correcting them. Humans are bound to make mistake. Few mistakes at work will not brand you. In fact, the way you handle this will help you grow-up in corporate ladder. Also, this will add fun to work place and will definitely help you win hearts.

The Personal Approach
Things are taken personally though it is the work of the other group. The reactions would not just spoil your groups growth but also the organisation's. To avoid this approach you have to come of your ego at work place. You will be isolated.

I want to be a true professional at work. So, I'm choosing the first choice. You decide on what you want to be.

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