Jun 11, 2007

Sivaji - Sold Out

As expected, the movie tickets for the upcoming Rajini starer 'Sivaji' was sold out for few weeks within a day after the booking started.

Many might be wondering what is the fun in watching the movie on the first day? It is okay to miss other movies, but definitely not Rajini's as it take you to another level. For those who haven't tasted it, I would like to share the only experience of mine. I have seen 'Muthu' on day one.

I have got a ticket from my friend by luck. I went alone to watch the mid-night show. I was trilled by the the noice and the energy in the theatre even before the movie started. Though I didn't knew anyone there, I joined the party. The response from the audience for the politically influenced dialogues were loud and clear that they wanted him to join/start a party.

It was a different feeling to be there. Fans were there not to see the movie but to enjoy being part of the fun. Even after a decade, the grace for Rajini didn't had a dip. That is why he is called the 'Super-star'.

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