Apr 27, 2007

Comfort Zone

Many of us prefer Private Banks for any banking/financial needs over Nationalised Banks for their door-step services. You don't need to run behind people to get things but they will run behind you. Obviously, we need pay a price for that. Somethings higher interest rate, sometimes hidden cost.

I choose a Nationalised Bank for my housing loan for relatively less ROI, easy to access (office is in the same street where I am staying). I met the Area Manager for counselling. She told me that there is no need for me to visit the office again, she will ask her marketing person to get in touch with me for further processing.

I was glad to hear that as I felt that we can enjoy the comfort zone while banking with public financial services too. In reality, I would have sent the application for processing earlier if he is not involved. He was not able to help me on filling the application, not able to tell me what are the required documents. What is the need of him visiting my door-step if he needs to go back to his manager for any clarification?

Once we felt that he is not going to do any good to us, Hema and Myself started visiting the office for any of our queries. In just two days, the application was accepted and is sent for processing, which we can't do for more than a week with an advisor (trust me, that is how they call him).

Public sectors should stop imitating the private sectors. To win the competition, you have to be creative of your own; you have to find the right person for the right job. Otherwise, the GoodWill that you have already won will be lost. FYI: Private Sectors are still not able to come closure to winning the GoodWill of the customer

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