Mar 9, 2007

Self Mastery

I have got a chance to have a look at the PowerPoint presentation "The Pillars of Self-Mastery" prepared by Robin S. Sharma. Mr. Sharma has tried list all the dos and don'ts for becoming a world leader.

Out of several items he discussed I'm impressed with the list below.

1) To enhance your concentration and power of focus, count your steps when you walk.

2) Enhance your will power. When you are hungry, wait another hour before you meal.

3) Be careful about reputation. Never do anything you won't be proud to tell your mom about.

4) Become your spouse's number 1 supporter.

5) Empty your cup. A full cup can't accept anything more. Even teachers have teachers.

6) Never argue with the person who you work for. You will lose more than just the argument.

7) When you can't make up your mind for two evenly balanced courses of action, take chances. Take smart risks and you will meet the success beyond your dreams.

8) Each day, do two things that you don't like doing. Your personal power will increase and your productivity will sour.

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