Jan 24, 2007

Letz take India out of this list...

When I was browsing to other blogs, I saw the below information which annoys me more.

"* By the year 2010, five countries (Ethiopia, Nigeria, China, India, and Russia) with 40 percent of the world's population will add 50 to 75 million infected people to the worldwide pool of HIV disease."

It gives a nice feeling whenever I see India in the top 5 of the any list but definitely not this one. The above is just a projection which can be proved wrong if we react now.

Few Info about AIDS:
A person who has HIV carries the virus in certain body fluids, including blood, semen, vaginal secretions, and breast milk. The virus can be transmitted only if such HIV-infected fluids enter the bloodstream of another person.

Usually, HIV is transmitted through:

* Unprotected sexual intercourse with someone who has HIV.
* Sharing needles or syringes with someone who is HIV infected.
* Infection during pregnancy, childbirth, or breast-feeding.*

HIV not transmitted:

* It is not transmitted through food or air (for instance, by coughing or sneezing).
* Sweat, tears, vomit, feces, and urine do contain HIV, but have not been reported to transmit the disease.
* Mosquitoes, fleas, and other insects do not transmit HIV.

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