Sep 12, 2006

Where it all begins...

How many of us have the courage to accept our mistakes, no matter how small the mistake is? Most of us won't.

When did we get behaving this way? Who taught us this bad habit? Did they do it wantedly?

A Small Incident that happened in my life.

The hospital were my wife delivered our first baby, was painted in leu with the Doctor Son's Marriage. My Nephew, who is 4 year old, touched a window which was freshly painted. He understood that he did a mistake and was afraid. So, he came calm and sat near my mom. When the painter came, I asked him to confess. But people around us were telling his not to tell that to the painter. So, he kept quiet.

I looks like fun event, but in-fact it has a serious impact on my nephew's life. In future he would definitely not accept the mistake that he might have commit. He was not encouraged to do a wise thing. We taught him a wrong lesson.

A child is learning/observing something in his life everyday when it was young. Let us teach them wise thing and make them a real asset for the nation.

1 comment:

Krishna said...

Good observation