Aug 4, 2006

Ads made easy....

If you think news papers, brouchers, ad flims are the ways to advertise your books and movies or any other products for that matter, then you might need to upgrade yourself....

How many of you know that you don't even need to invest any money for these advertisement?

It just need to take a controversial topics to discuss or analysis in your books/movies. The news media will take care of the publicity. Here are the real time examples.

1) "A Call for Honor" is one of the top 10 best sellers. The controversial topics discussed on this book and the coverage by the news media made it all for the publicity.

2) The Indian launch of "Indian Summer" by John Wright is scheduled for October. But the publishers are expecting a big sales.

3) The sales of the edit verison of "Da Vinci Code" is raised in recent times because of the controversies that it created in the movie verison. Also, the movie was a box office hit.

4) The sales of the edit verison of "Othello" is raising in recent times because of the Hindi movie "Omkara". The story of Othello was the base for Omkara.

You just need to sit and think out of box to attract the news media. Just simple. Isn't it?

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