Jul 4, 2007

Religious - A Private Offer

I know it is a sensitive topic to debate on, but definitely worth it.

Each individual has every right to choose and follow any religion of his/her choice. Though there are guidelines available for the way of worship, it is up the individual to choose/create one. Their choice should not hurt others believe or feelings. They should keep in mind that religion is a private offer.

Recently I have read a slogan reading "No {god's name}, No Peace". I appreciate the writer's belief and love towards peace, but it definitely hurts the follower of other gods. Peace lover might become a peace killer.

We all have every right to be expressive. Slogan's like this can be written inside four walls of our house. If someone get a chance to read, one can proudly say, 'Boss, you are in my territory.' It hurts only when it is for public reading.

Be good to humans as well, not just to god and religion.

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