May 16, 2007

Right choice?

Most of the News Papers and Channels covered the story of "Mr. A. Raja appointed as IT and Communication Minister."

Before this, he was responsible for Forest and Environmental Ministry. It was during his tenure, the entire tiger population in 'Sariska' was wiped out and the Gir lions suffered depletion. Also, most of the key position in the ministry are still vacant. It was disappointing 3 years in office for Raja as he couldn't or didn't do anything.

Compared to Forest, IT is one of the most happening Ministry. It is the Ministry that earns lot of foreign investments, encourage industrial growth, invite more employment for graduates, etc.

Many might not even bothered to see what is happening in the Forest, but he can't stay relaxed now. For rest of 2 years, he owns his share of developing the country's image in the global market. Can he do it? Is he making the right choice for the post?

Anyways, All the best, Mr. Raja.

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