Nov 15, 2006

My Life is important...

When I was driving on Mount Road, I read the wording "My Life is important, not just to me." The above slogan has a strong message hiding inside when it is related to Road Safety.

Driving on roads like Mount Road is a hell during peak hours. Few thinks that irritate me during driving are

1) No one bothers about others. Everybody want to lead their way.
2) In case of accident, both the partyies are right and blame each other.
3) Autorickshaw has no rules to follow.
4) Not just Autorickshaws, pedestrians also has their own rules.
5) At places like signals, drivers know that they dont have enough space for their vechicle, but still try to enter and end up blocking the way for smaller vechicles.
6) Whe people make sound horn requesting the one in front of to move, when he is waiting for signal to turn green. They did know that "Red" is for them as well.
6) And the worst is, they don't even have the courtesy to free the way to Ambulance.

Direct or indirectly, knowingly or unknowingly, you may become a reason for an accident. Sometimes, you dont even know that there is someone who got victimized because of your mistake. One can correct the mistakes caused because of coming late but can't do the same for becoming "Late".

Everyone should learn to respect fellow drivers and understand that they also have family.

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