In just another few days, 2006 would be history. It is time to rewind our memory and flourish the great moment that went past.
2006 was a wonderful year to be remembered.
1) August 09th, I became a father for a wonder small prince.
2) October, we booked a new individual house in a township in Avanashi.
3) April 1st, Officially, I became a Technical Lead for a team of 22.
4) Nov 27th, My sister-in-law, delivered their second son.
5) I have started blogging in 2006 and continuing for about last five months...:)
Dec 29, 2006
2006 - A year to Remember...
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1 விமர்சனங்கள்
பிரிவு : My Life
Back to square one...:)
I have lived the life the way I want for the last seven months. Now, I am back to square one.
1) I have to wake early in the morning (ie 6 AM). No one understand that it is midnight for me.
2) I can't have my breakfast (a cup of horlicks) at office by 11:30 AM.
3) I have my alarm at home that reminds me to go home early.
4) I don't need to worry about going home back just to see no faces.
6) I am not alone at home on weekends.
Hema is back to chennai with Kirrthik.
Earlier, I used to think of office while in my house now it is pay back time....;)
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பிரிவு : My Life
Nov 28, 2006
New Addition to our Family...
My sister-in-law delivered a baby boy yesterday morning. Both baby and mom are doing good.
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1 விமர்சனங்கள்
பிரிவு : My Life
Nov 15, 2006
My Life is important...
When I was driving on Mount Road, I read the wording "My Life is important, not just to me." The above slogan has a strong message hiding inside when it is related to Road Safety.
Driving on roads like Mount Road is a hell during peak hours. Few thinks that irritate me during driving are
1) No one bothers about others. Everybody want to lead their way.
2) In case of accident, both the partyies are right and blame each other.
3) Autorickshaw has no rules to follow.
4) Not just Autorickshaws, pedestrians also has their own rules.
5) At places like signals, drivers know that they dont have enough space for their vechicle, but still try to enter and end up blocking the way for smaller vechicles.
6) Whe people make sound horn requesting the one in front of to move, when he is waiting for signal to turn green. They did know that "Red" is for them as well.
6) And the worst is, they don't even have the courtesy to free the way to Ambulance.
Direct or indirectly, knowingly or unknowingly, you may become a reason for an accident. Sometimes, you dont even know that there is someone who got victimized because of your mistake. One can correct the mistakes caused because of coming late but can't do the same for becoming "Late".
Everyone should learn to respect fellow drivers and understand that they also have family.
உங்கள் -
பிரிவு : கோபம்
Nov 13, 2006
Never Try this...
Two passengers who boarded Gowhati Express at Coimbatoer Jn on Sunday, have brought their tickets from the local porters paying some extra perks. The flying squad got them and they finally end-up paying fine of Rs. 550 each. One of them were left with just Rs. 4 after paying the fine.
We are already paying huge some of amount as Taxes to the government which are not effiectively used. Don't end-up paying more in Fines like this.
If possible, plan in advance. If not possible, don't go for cheap options like travelling on tickets bought for others.
உங்கள் -
பிரிவு : இந்தியா
Payanakkal Mudivathu illai....
One of my friend, Joby, got married last Sunday (12/11) in Alanthur, Kerala. I along with my few friends (Karthik, Vijesh and Sadiq) have planned to attend the marriage in person. They have planned to start from Chennai on Saturday and reach Alanthur directly. I have planned to go home and start on Sunday morning.
I got the bus to coimbatore at around 7:45 AM from Nadupalayam. From Ukkadam (Kovai), I boarded KSRTC bus to Palakkadu and then from Palakkadu to Thirssur. I got down at Alanthur. From there I took an Auto to reach the Chruch. It was 12:30 PM when I reach the chruch, a total travel time of around 5 hours. One thing that I enjoyed during travelling is the greenish environment everywhere. Thatz Kerala.
After lunch, we all four started our return journey together. We reached Thirssur at around 4 PM and visited a Museum to pass time as our train starts at 6:40 PM.
I have booked my return ticket from Tiruppur in Cheran Express. It was gampling that I took to travel on Gowhati Express from Thirssur to Tiruppur. To my luck, both the trains were running late. I got down at Tiruppur at 11:30 PM and Cheran reaches Tiruppur at 12:00 AM. Finally I am on my way to Chennai. Reached home at around 9:00 AM.
This is my first ever travel outside Tamilnadu that I was travelling alone, the long journey though.
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பிரிவு : My Life
Nov 10, 2006
Level of tolerance/patience...
Today is Friday and I have planned to travel tonight to my hometown. So, I left my bike at home and decided to take a bus to my office. It is difficult to get on a bus during peak hours. So, I decided to go a little late.
Incident 1.
I wantedly ignored few buses to avoid the crowd and finally boarded in a bus. Unfortunately, the bus was moving with snail's speed. I learnt that there were some problem with engine. It took 5 mins to travel 1 km. So I got down at next stop.
Incident 2.
Again I waited for about 20 minutes to get another buses. I was surprised to see a bus with literally no passengers. I thought itz my fortune this time. But the conductor told the waiting passengers that he can accomodate only limited load because one of the back left side wheels got punctured. I got into the bus and reached my office.
In both the incidents, the condition of bus are not good enough to complete the trip.
1) The driver & conductor are not ready to cancel the trip.
2) The government is not ready to redefine the condition of buses running on road.
3) Neither public nor the opposition leaders are not ready to avoid/ignore/protest against these incidents.
Government and the public service sectors are testing the level of tolerance of the public and public is not ready to fight for their own rights.
Everybody including me expect someone to initiate the fire and they are ready to back them up...who is that somebody?
உங்கள் -
பிரிவு : கோபம்
Nov 8, 2006
Being Lazy ...
I have to send some documents to my mom last week. I booked a courier service to do it on 02/11/2006 (Thursday) evening. Eventhough, I haven't heard of that couriers before, I went to them because it is very close to my office. May be I was lazy to search for other familier courier offices near by.
As like others, I expected them to be delivered the next day. It didn't happen on Friday. Not on Saturday. Obviously, not on Sunday. Surprisingly, Not on Monday too.
I got scared. I was tring to reach them on all possible ways from Saturday. The response I got was very unsatisfactory. My dad started yelling at me on choosing this courier.
What surprising me most is that, since they don't have an office at Avinashi, they used to dispatch the post only once in week from Tiruppur.
Finally it reached my mom on Tuesday Evening, 5 days after booking. I have learnt the lesson, but in a hard way.
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பிரிவு : My Life
Nov 4, 2006
Buying a house..
Few weeks back when I decided to book an individual house in my home-town (Avanashi), I didn't realize that there are so-many complecations involved in it. When I went with my friends (Selva & Venz) accompanyed by our Senior Sangetha's hubee (Siva), I learnt a lot.
He asked several questions to the promotors about the house before making his final decision. I didn't even realize that I should ask these question to them. To list a few questions
1) Who owns the Road & Park that are part of the township?
I was under the impression that they belong to the association but infact they all belong to local panchayat. This means no-one can control the traffic inside the township.
2) What would happen if all the club facilities or even the house are not completed on-time?
I thought that is not going to impact us much. But the truth is that we are paying a sum towards it.
3) He also made sure that what are all part of the agreement, and what would happen if the agreement are not met.
I have learnt lot of new things on what are things that I should be looking for. I learnt that it was not the first property that Siva was buying.
Experience makes us perfect.
உங்கள் -
பிரிவு : My Life
Nov 2, 2006
Being Doctor, A Profession or A Service...
Disclaimer : In this blog, I am not talking about all the doctors in general. I am only talking about Doctors who don't understand and practise their duty.
By know you might have guessed what I am going to talk about.
Recent rain in chennai and the sudden weather change caused lot of health issues to all. I am not an exception. I had a head-ache, one-sided though. So I visited the near-by hospital. I dont have a good opinion about that hospital, I have no choice because of lack of good doctors around Velacherry.
I am surprised to see 7 tablets and 2 tonics in the prescribtion that too for just a head-ache. When I checked with my friends in office, they told that there are tablets for acidity and alergy in the list.
I can understand we should not underestimate anything, but is it not the duty of the doctor to explain what the tablets are? and what for?. This would help the patient to understand their health condition. On seeing the prescribtion, it looks like a I am having a life long illness. I am scared.
Another incident that happened to my friend, Mummy (Prakash). He went to a hospital for getting treated for a "Katti" on his back. The Doctor asked him to get admitted for an operation. Mummy ran away from the scene.
Only Doctors can safe life. All others can do is help them in whatever way we can like donating blood. But ultimately, it is in the doctor's hand. Their profession is just more than what it meant. People see him as god. Do they deserve it?.
Let them charge whatever they want but they must also do their duty in a more professional way.
உங்கள் -
பிரிவு : கோபம்
Oct 30, 2006
Lost Contacts.
I had few lessons to learn on Saturday.
I was trying to have a more secured mobile by changing some security setting. I just wanted to have the feature to ask code while unlocking the key. I was successful in doing it but when I switched on the phone, it just got in without a code. So, I was trying to enable it.
Suddently, I got a message saying 'SIM Blocked', 'Enter PUK Number : '. I was not aware of what PUK number is. So, I entered few # what I thought as default ones. All the attempts were failed and finally my SIM got rejected.
On Saturday morning, I went to HUTCH Shop. They told me that it can corrected only by changing the SIM. I did and without any problem I was able to retain my old #.
I usually stored all my contacts in SIM as my phone can accomodate only 50 contacts. Now I lost all my contacts. :(
Lessons Learnt
1) Don't play on security setting on your phone when you are sure of what it is.
2) If you decided to play with security setting, do so in the morning.
3) Have a copy of your contact always somewhere.
உங்கள் -
பிரிவு : My Life
A Night with...
On saturday evening, due to the depressed formed in Bay of Bengal, it heavily rained. I learnted next day that the rain measured about 11 cm in just one hour. The weather got chilled down.
Janakpuri Ist Street, where I stay, got water locked and water level was raising. I decided not to go out for dinner and prepared something to eat. At around 10:30 PM, when I went to bed, I felt a chillness in my foot. I switched on the light and got surprised to see water in my bedroom.
Since I was watching TV till then, I didnt realize that water started entering into my house from the back door. At back of my house, the way to drainage got locked by garbages and the rain water didnt have a way to go out. I saw the water entering into my house from the gaps of closed back door.
I lost the sleep worried about rain. I heard some noise coming from the hall. I was not alone suffering from rain. I had a company in form of a Frog. I didnt know how it got a way to enter into my house but we both were together during our suffering..;).
My Sunday was spoiled because of this rain. Most of the time, I was cleaning my house. But luckily, I gave company to Venz and Ravi to visit some townships.
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பிரிவு : My Life
Oct 26, 2006
Rewinding my Memories.
It was a company holiday yesterday for Ramzen, and just back from Deewapali mood. So, I am little rusty today.
When I thought of how useful (?@!@?!) I can spend time at office today to kill time, I decided to remember all my childhood memories that are still fresh in my mind. Minimum criteria for an event to be selected is that should have happened a minimum of 10 years before.
1) When I was around 5 years old, I pushed my brother (Ragu) into a drainage when we were at my grand-mom's place.
2) When I was young, Ragu and myself were playing at around 11 PM. We were running around the two pillers in my neighbours house. Suddenly, Ragu fall down and suffered a cut near his eye-brow. My parents were struggled to find a doctor at that time.
3) My primary schooling Days. Every weekend, myself and my brother used to go to a government school near our house (Chinnaswamy Gov. HSS) to play cricket. The gates will always be closed. We crawl under the gate to enter into the campus.
4) One Saturday, Ragu and I went to Nirmala School to see his class 5 Results. From there we went to one of Ragu's friend's home. We played till evening. When we were return home at around 6 PM, we saw ou mom coming towards us crying. After that we learnt that, they were searching for us for more that 4 hours.
5) When we moved from Nirmala Primary to St. Thomas Matriculation for my class 5, I was waiting in-front of my Headmaster's room to get my TC. My classmates were calling me in, but i didnt go because of some unknown fear.
6) 1987, house warming ceremony of our new house at Gandhinagar, Tiruppur. My cried for a pant and my mom bought me a readymade pant (my first ever pant). Played the enter day wearing new pant and when the day ends my pant got teared.
7) My dad used to travel during Deewali time for sales (He was an employee of Tamilnadu Sarvodya Sangh). Once he went to Mumbai. My mom sat after dinner to wrote letter to him. My volunteer to join her and write. After I wrote, she started yelling at me seeing my handwriting. Veleya pono onnanai yethu.....
8) Ragu and I followed a political campaigning crowd and lost the way back home.
I will keep this list updated whenever I remember any more incident.
உங்கள் -
பிரிவு : My Life
Is it a No Entry zone for us?
Our Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh, has reshuffled his cabinet yet again yesterday. Out of 80 ministers in power, 90 % are above 60 years of age, which is considered as the retirement age for government employee.
The government baselined 60 years as the retirement age because one might not be able to work as efficient as before. But it looks like for politics this formulae might not work.
What surprise me most is that there are only 2 ministers at the age group between 30 & 39 and they are Mr. Maran & Dr. Anbumani. These two are there not because of their talent but because of their politically strong family backings. Leaving these two, it looks like our Indian Government is a No Entry Zone for young guns.
If this continues I feel "Young stars are the back-bone of India" will become a Myth very soon.
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1 விமர்சனங்கள்
பிரிவு : கோபம்
Oct 19, 2006
Happy Deewali...
I wish you all a happy Deewali 2006.
My first Deewali with my Son, Kirthik. I will remember it for years.
உங்கள் -
பிரிவு : My Life
Going back to my golden days....
I myself wonder why I am feeling different for the last couple of weeks even I was sick last weekend (10/13 & 10/14).
During my under graduation, BSc (Maths) from Gobi Arts, I did stay in hostel which gave me a chance to move with different people with different background. I feel that I am one of those who moved with all close and enjoyed every moment of my life there.
After I went to Coimbatore (PSG Tech) to do my Master's, I lost contact with most of my friends in Gobi Arts. When Mahesh (Karupan) called on my mobile couple of weeks back, I am surprised and happy to talk to him after about 7 years. It all started happening from then. I talked Ashok (Nai), Ravi, Senkottuvel, Gobi (Okkudi), got a chance to see Balaji, Rama in Orkut.
Now, I am feeling that I am going back to my golden years that I spend at Gobi Arts.
உங்கள் -
பிரிவு : My Life
Oct 10, 2006
What are they doing after all !?!?!?!
A small example of what can you expect from our politicians.
The current Chief Minister of Tamilnadu, Dr. M. Karunanidhi, has been called as "Sentamil Kavalar", "Muthtamil Kavinjar", "Tamil Thaayin Mutha Maghan"...
I saw a program called "Kofee With Anu" on Vijay TV recently where Karunanidhi's daughther was a guest. Since it was a talk show, I expect a decent tamil conversation between the host and her. But to my surprise, she is no different from other VJ's, RJ's who literally kill tamil.
உங்கள் -
பிரிவு : கோபம்
Sep 27, 2006
Getting Older !?!?!
Today, Sept 27th, one of the days in a year that I never forget. Those who know me well know why. My B'day.
Though I got the blessing of my mom late yesterday, Hema was the first person to wish me today as expected. She is at her Mom's place taking care of our new love, Krithik.
Krithik's arrival into our life changed a lot in both of us. We are enjoying each and every moment of his babyhood. This make us feel younger every day. Passing age is not worrying us....;)
உங்கள் -
பிரிவு : My Life
Sep 12, 2006
Where it all begins...
How many of us have the courage to accept our mistakes, no matter how small the mistake is? Most of us won't.
When did we get behaving this way? Who taught us this bad habit? Did they do it wantedly?
A Small Incident that happened in my life.
The hospital were my wife delivered our first baby, was painted in leu with the Doctor Son's Marriage. My Nephew, who is 4 year old, touched a window which was freshly painted. He understood that he did a mistake and was afraid. So, he came calm and sat near my mom. When the painter came, I asked him to confess. But people around us were telling his not to tell that to the painter. So, he kept quiet.
I looks like fun event, but in-fact it has a serious impact on my nephew's life. In future he would definitely not accept the mistake that he might have commit. He was not encouraged to do a wise thing. We taught him a wrong lesson.
A child is learning/observing something in his life everyday when it was young. Let us teach them wise thing and make them a real asset for the nation.
உங்கள் -
1 விமர்சனங்கள்
பிரிவு : My Corner
Aug 14, 2006
The Long wait comes to a happy end
It was long time back I wrote my last blog but not without a reason. My wife delivered our first baby boy on 09th of August.
Though the expected delivery date was August 17, the doctor confirmed that there is no posibility of normal delivery because of the wrong position of the baby inside.It would be a mental presure for all, Hema in particular, to wait for such a long time knowing that she is going to be operated. We decided to operate and deliver the baby at the earliest.
August 09th was the date decided for the operation. Hema was admitted on 08th evening to prepare herself. Earlier we both decided not to know the sex of the baby in advance, otherwise there is no much excitement in waiting.
It was about 10:25 in the morning when she was taken to the operation theatre. The anxious wait was for about 20 mins. At exactly about 10:48, we heared the sweat voice of our baby. Five mins later a nurse came out of the room and told us that it was a baby boy and went back in. I wanted to know how was hema doing but no one was there to tell me that. I left the crowd and cried. I was not able to control my emotion. She was unconsious when I saw her after the operation.
The 9 month long wait looks shorter than the 20 mins in front of the operation room.
உங்கள் -
பிரிவு : என் மகன்.
Aug 4, 2006
Ads made easy....
If you think news papers, brouchers, ad flims are the ways to advertise your books and movies or any other products for that matter, then you might need to upgrade yourself....
How many of you know that you don't even need to invest any money for these advertisement?
It just need to take a controversial topics to discuss or analysis in your books/movies. The news media will take care of the publicity. Here are the real time examples.
1) "A Call for Honor" is one of the top 10 best sellers. The controversial topics discussed on this book and the coverage by the news media made it all for the publicity.
2) The Indian launch of "Indian Summer" by John Wright is scheduled for October. But the publishers are expecting a big sales.
3) The sales of the edit verison of "Da Vinci Code" is raised in recent times because of the controversies that it created in the movie verison. Also, the movie was a box office hit.
4) The sales of the edit verison of "Othello" is raising in recent times because of the Hindi movie "Omkara". The story of Othello was the base for Omkara.
You just need to sit and think out of box to attract the news media. Just simple. Isn't it?
உங்கள் -
பிரிவு : My Corner
Jul 31, 2006
Do you read the message right?
People here used to blame the quality of Tamil Movies. General complaints that they used to make are, they are more glamour oriented, sentimental, violence, no message to the society, misleading youths and etc...
Ironically, no-one bothers to appreciate a good movies. To name few of the quality, message oriented movies in the recent times
All these movies suggest changes to the society to bring out the humanitarian in each of us. All these movies were big hit at box-office, still there is no big change in the society.
The messages are conveyed correctly, but the individuals are not ready to accept it because they don't want to change themself and/or the society.
Can the producers/directors be happy for the money that they earn in making such movies? Or should they worry about not passing the message correctly that the movies intended to? The first one gives the status in society and the second gives the satisfaction in one's self.
The real success of these movies depend on how many people read the message correctly. Even if it is one, that is a success. To me, if anyone changed their mind on reading this blog, it was a success to me.
After seeing Anniyan, I stopped violating traffic rules and small small mistake that I used to. If I can, why can't you?
உங்கள் -
பிரிவு : கோபம்
Jul 28, 2006
Everyone expects Miracle to happen...
Can anyone of you name a company that has a 100% happy and satisfied workforce in this part of the world? At least, workforce without complaints?
Every employee has a range of complaints that they used raise during chit chats and when they are part of a mass. The complaints varies between the kind of work/technology he is put in and his pay package. If you wake-up anybody and ask him "what is wrong with your company?". He can give a big list.
I do live with a group of employees with the same mindset. I used to wonder whether these complaines have ever been raised, if not addressed. They usually say that they were not given an oppurtunity to raise these issues.
Given an oppurtunity, will they address? If you ask me, I would say that they are using lack of oppurtunity as an excuse for their lack of courage.
For example, no one turned up to a meeting with our HR in my company to raise any issues they might be having. I was wondering whether all my colleagues became happy on one sudden day? All their concerns were addressed even before they are raised?
Still people used to raise their concerns in mass. The worst part of this is that they all know they are raising their issues to the wrong audience.
If you wait for oppurtunity to knock your doors, you will get one or two in your life time. If you go out and search for oppurtunity, you will get enough to miss one or two.
உங்கள் -
பிரிவு : My Corner
Jul 26, 2006
How secured is your life....
Everybody is talking about the IT boom in India. Every state government is working on inviting foriegn companys to start venture in their state.
Student are happy to get a job imm. after graduation, to earn their own packet money. Parent are happy to know that their son/daughter are earning more than what they have earned during retirement.
When you see this industry from outside, it will blossom with light breeze. It is decorated with bright colors & fancy glasses and you love to be with this for a long time. But when you are in, you are like an elephant that got in a trap hole.
How many of us have a courage to look into the dark side of this Industry? Let me try to list few
1) You are earning more than what you expect from day one. Probability of you developing bad habits are high because of your stress in office and your earning power. Staying away from home also adds fuel to fire.
2) Your expense habit increase because of usage of credit cards. Now-a-days, all banks offer you credit card with attractive limit and free for life time. It means, you are also be trapped by banks.
3) Not only credit cards, banks are offering glamours rates on loans for Houses, Cars, Personal Loan. It all pulls you deep into the sea so that you wont come out with flesh.
4) Because of late night work, you travel back home at hard hours. No matter whehter you are a male or a female, it sends invitation for robbery and all other anti-social activities.
Still, this industry is attractive and have the same glamour as before. It is up to each individual to decide on what they want to be.
உங்கள் -
பிரிவு : My Corner
Jul 24, 2006
Real Meaning for life...
How many of you have the habit of saying "Hai" to the visitor/relative of our neighbours?
How many of you really mean to ask "How are you?"? Infact, you are asking this to everyone you meet in office. We never bother to wait for thier response.
But when I went to meet my wife's grandpa, who is getting treated for his mild throat cancer in "Aringar Anna Cancer Institute" near Kanchipuram last Sunday, everyone greeted me with pleasure. Ironically, I don't know anybody even our grandpa didn't know anybody before they met each other in this hospital.
All fall under the age group of 75 and above, whom we call as "Perusuka". They all knew that they might have already started counting their days, but they learnt to lead a happy life. They share every happy moments with each other. They are carying the value of Indian Culture themselves and defining the mean for living. I am afraid we might loss them after their days.
Can't we carry the torch for rest of our life?
உங்கள் -
பிரிவு : My Corner
Jul 21, 2006
Found answers myself....
When I was young, I used to have lot of unanswered question about being lonely. how people can stay alone at home without a company? How can they stay without talking to someone? or without seeing human faces?
I thought that if I am in that position, I would become mentally distrubed, can't live anymore and become mad.
Things have changed drastically and the life forced me to accept the loneliness. Finally, I am at staying at home alone for more than 50 days now and I know I should alone for at least next 3 -4 months. Ironically, I am leading my life with lot of expectations, thinking of how should I react to that magically moment. :)
What made the difference? What made my life interesting while I am alone?
I found the answer by being in that position.
If your own expectations forced you to be at a position that you don't like, you will start loving it...You will enjoy each moment being in that position...
If you are forced to be in a position that you don't like, for a reason that you like, you will accept it with all hands, heart open...
உங்கள் -
பிரிவு : My Life
Jul 20, 2006
I am not an exception...
Whenever you think of "Whatz Next" as a bachler, "Marriage" will be one of your agenda. If you say "No", then you might be a GOD :). I am not an exception for this.
As a family man, if you think, you can have a good break on weekends and can find enough time to spend with your family. I am sorry to say this, you are dreaming too much.
Now your parents expect you to attend functions, get to-gethers, take care of visiting friends/relatives. Your wife expects you to take her out for movie, shopping, etc... Don't forget the pressure from your in-laws. Friends expect us to spend sometime with them always. Since, we don't have time to manage all these during weekdays, we schedule it for weekends. We might need more than 48 hours for Weekends and our watch should run in slow-motion.
No one bothers you, when you are bachler. Also, nobody says "No" to marriage proposal knowing all these trouble.
Being a husband, father & friend, it gives lot of pleasure and everyone enjoys the responsibility and don't worry about the above pressures and I am not an exception...:)
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பிரிவு : My Life
Should I cry or laugh???
It took so long for me to host a blogging website. But day after it was launched, all the blogging websites were banned here.
I am not criticising the ban imposed. I dont know whether I should laugh or cry thinging of my fate...
உங்கள் -
பிரிவு : My Life
Jul 18, 2006
Expectations Vs Reality
Whenever I expect something, I don't forget to remember the golden lines of an old Tamil Movie "Neenaipathu yellam Nadanthu Vittal, theivam yethum illai..." It means "If all our expectations come true in life, then there is no need of a GOD..."
By the above statement, I didn't say that having expectations are sin. Without expectations, one can't set personal goals to acheive. Without goals, the life will not be interesting and will be monotanous. You will fail have the killer instinct to acheive more. So, expectations and goals setting should be part of our life style.
Please remember that one's life is a road between his birth and death. It will be plain and smooth, sometimes with lot of ups and downs. So, please be prepared to travel on any roads.
Whenever you failed to acheive goals or your expectations failed, your reaction shows your level of maturity and your personality. Always have a "Plan B" to execute.
உங்கள் -
பிரிவு : Soft Skills
Jul 17, 2006
A deserved break...we made it bad...
At work, we used to have a monthly releases and that doesn't give any time to breath between releases. By the time we realize that a release is over, we have to turn our attention to the next release.
We have just completed our July Release and thought of going for a movie to relax ourself. Since the decision was taken at the last minute, we were not able to gather all 10 of my teammates. Anyways, 7 is not a bad number.
After failing to get tickets for "23th Pulicasi" we managed to get the tickets for "Acharya" in Devi Kala. The story was all about a Acharya boy who struggled to live his life after losing both his parents. The first punch of the movie was impressive and was moving at a lighthing speed until the interval break. The director comproised a lot on the story and screenplay to finish the movie in given time.
No strong story line to support "Thevar" decision to support the police during encounter, the death of the heroine and the Kanja Karuppu. The heroine, as a policewomen, is a bad choice. The music looks good but lacks variety.
உங்கள் -
பிரிவு : சினிமா
Jul 14, 2006
I am human and dont want to be...
It is human mind that has lot of enthusiasm when something is new and fresh. When time passes, the samething fails to get his/her attention.
I am not an exception for this. Whenever my dad presents me a yearly dairy for New Year, I used to make a commitment of writing my day-to-day activities/expenses without fail. I hardly crossed March.
Now, blogging got my glamour but don't want to be another dairy of mine. I would like to break the above rule and try to maintain it for a longer period.
I can promise you all that me2atblog will be a clone of my mind.
உங்கள் -
பிரிவு : My Life
I reached here finally....
Hi All,
I am very much excited to write my first ever blog. When I am typing this, my subconsious mind is asking me "Why so long?".
I tried hard to find an answer. Whenever I read others blog, I think of owning one but never gave a try.
May be I was afraid of criticism. Now I am matured to accept and handle it.
உங்கள் -
பிரிவு : My Life