I have shown my anger towards few of the government policies and actions on this blog, but this is not definitely for that.
The transformer junction on my street got fire last night at around 9:30 PM and the power was shot-down for the entire street. Residents were panic to see flickering and fire on the transformer.
On this summer, it is very difficult to sleep without a fan/ac. With their past experience with the department, few felt that they will not be able to sleep. With little hope, they were expecting the EB people to resolve the problem at the earliest.
To our luck, the electrician fixed the problem in just 20 mins and the power supply was back to normal. On a Sunday evening, when everybody wants to spend time with their family, a dedicated electrician sacrificed his private life for the public. He did resolve the problem in the moon-light without waiting for any emergency lamps.
I appreciate his commitment. This unsung hero would have went to bed last night with lot of satisfaction. Many of the residents might not even know the name of this hero who gave them a 'sweat dreams'.
Apr 30, 2007
Unsung Hero.
உங்கள் -
பிரிவு : பாராட்டுக்கள்
When my dosth had an argument with our Mr Natarajan (DOMCA, HOD) on girls extending friendship after college, we just enjoyed the debate but never looked deep into the topic.
The topic was in fact, "Boys extend their friendship much better than girls."
Our HOD has seen many batches of students in his career. He has a huge experience backing him up. So, there would be a bit of truth involved when he made a comment of this type.
What could be the truth? I expect few counter arguments for this, still below is my observations.
1) Family dependencies. She has to get the permission of her family members for attending any of get-together that her friends might have planned.
2) Professional Commitment. When her responsibilities grown in her professional life, she has to find a better balance between work and life.
3)Keep-in-touch. Men doesn't matter even if their best friend is not calling/talk to him for few days/months.
4) Accept the Change. Like few other Men, they also accept the change and develop new friendships.
உங்கள் -
பிரிவு : My Corner
Apr 27, 2007
Comfort Zone
Many of us prefer Private Banks for any banking/financial needs over Nationalised Banks for their door-step services. You don't need to run behind people to get things but they will run behind you. Obviously, we need pay a price for that. Somethings higher interest rate, sometimes hidden cost.
I choose a Nationalised Bank for my housing loan for relatively less ROI, easy to access (office is in the same street where I am staying). I met the Area Manager for counselling. She told me that there is no need for me to visit the office again, she will ask her marketing person to get in touch with me for further processing.
I was glad to hear that as I felt that we can enjoy the comfort zone while banking with public financial services too. In reality, I would have sent the application for processing earlier if he is not involved. He was not able to help me on filling the application, not able to tell me what are the required documents. What is the need of him visiting my door-step if he needs to go back to his manager for any clarification?
Once we felt that he is not going to do any good to us, Hema and Myself started visiting the office for any of our queries. In just two days, the application was accepted and is sent for processing, which we can't do for more than a week with an advisor (trust me, that is how they call him).
Public sectors should stop imitating the private sectors. To win the competition, you have to be creative of your own; you have to find the right person for the right job. Otherwise, the GoodWill that you have already won will be lost. FYI: Private Sectors are still not able to come closure to winning the GoodWill of the customer
உங்கள் -
பிரிவு : My Corner
Apr 26, 2007
In this part of the world, "Fake"-ing is very common. Expect very few, everybody might have done this at least once in their life time. What is annoying is that they don't even realise that they are faking. It is very common that people produce fake papers for gaining advantage on government posting or for higher education or for claiming monitory benefit.
The authorities didn't pay attention when the issue was small. The uprooting problems in the recent past are scary.
1) Fake FIR were prepared by the Police Department.
2) Fake Encounters in Kashmir by Army Personal
3) Fake Encounter in Gujarat by 3 IAS Officers
4) ...
The guardians of the Public and the Nation are the brains behind all the above incidents.
To whom should we go next?
உங்கள் -
பிரிவு : கோபம்
Apr 24, 2007
How big is a Chicken?
"How big is a Chicken?"
If your answer is a little more than 2 kg, then Read this.
உங்கள் -
பிரிவு : My Corner
Apr 23, 2007
Sick and back...
Kirthik has developed cold and was not feeling well from Thursday. He didn't had enough food and sleep. Our pediatrician advised us not to worry about cold, as it happens to all kids at this age.
We were worried to see him suffering. On Saturday, we decided to go for a drive in the evening, as we were locked at home for the entire day. Kirthik enjoyed the drive as he saw new people/cars/bikes.
After the drive, we felt a difference in his activity. He was recovering from his cold and becoming active. On Monday morning, he was back to his own naughty. I finally saw a smile on Hema's face. That bring me a great relief.
We decided to take him out on every weekend. This is the age when a kid loves to watch/listen everything that he saw/hear. Taking him out will help him learn more and keep him engaged.
உங்கள் -
பிரிவு : என் மகன்.
Apr 20, 2007
Time to Relax!!!
I felt happy when I read the below line in one of the new website.
"M. Rajeevan, a senior weather department official, told reporters rains were expected to be close to normal but lower than the total volume of rainfall received in 2006."
The excessive rain in 2005 and 2006 have troubled us a lot. If the above prediction is right, we can relax a bit at least this year.
உங்கள் -
பிரிவு : My Life
Apr 19, 2007
Controlling Emotions.
Emotions are powerful. They affect the way you think and act. They can motivate you for both good and bad. At times, they may even seem to overwhelm you.
Part of becoming a mature, responsible adult, however, is learning to control one’s emotions. Some experts now feel that the ability to manage emotions and to deal with people is more valuable than intelligence.
"If you cannot control your anger, you are as helpless as a city without walls, open to attack."
One key to controlling your emotions is learning to control your thoughts. Negative thoughts can sap you of the energy you need to take action.
The more competent you become at a task, the less insecure you will feel. Don't dwell on your weaknesses, allowing them to paralyze you and prevent you from applying yourself to making improvement.
Another way you can help to control your emotions is to set modest, realistic goals and accept your limitations. Also, avoid unfairly comparing yourself with others.
உங்கள் -
பிரிவு : Soft Skills
Apr 18, 2007
Virginia Tech Killing
I was taken by surprise and sorrow when I heard the news of Mass Killing in Virginia Tech University. A Psycho, named Cho Seung-Hui, killed 32 people and injured many before killing himself.
We knew innocent students & professors were killed. There were parents of small kids, son's & daughter's of dreaming parents, lovable spouses in them. Nothing in this world can pay the price for their loss. The motive behind the killing will never be justified.
Let me join the prayers of all good hearted soul in this world and pray for the injured and victim's family.
உங்கள் -
பிரிவு : கோபம்
Apr 16, 2007
Team Management
A team is a group of people with specific skills required to achieve the objectives set for them. Each one is given with specific roles and responsibilities depending on their skills. An individual may and often does exhibit strong tendencies towards multiple Roles.
Role 1 : who comes up with strange and innovative solutions to problems.
Role 2 : who gives a team a rush of enthusiasm at the start of the project by vigorously pursuing contacts and opportunities.
Role 3 : who is a coordinator, often becomes the default chairperson of a team.
Role 4 : who is a fair and evenhanded observer and judge of what is going on.
Role 5 : who is a team worker, makes sure that everyone in a working group is getting along.
Role 6 : who makes things happen; they have a high degree of self-discipline and can always be relied on to deliver on time.
Role 7 : who is a finisher and is a perfectionist. They often go the extra mile to make sure everything is "just right".
Role 8 : who is a specialist; a person with an extremely high level of skill in one given discipline.
Source : Wikipedia.
உங்கள் -
பிரிவு : Soft Skills
Letz be human!!!
"A 16-year-old girl was allegedly raped in the operation theatre of the Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, by two ward boys while she was undergoing treatment for cancer."
On reading the above news, I too have a lot of un-answered questions. I believe the same would be running into your mind now.
உங்கள் -
பிரிவு : கோபம்
2007 - Cricket World Cup Surprises
Apart from off-the-field surprises, there are lot of unexpected results on-the-field as well.
1) Ireland tied with Zimbabwe
2) Ireland beats Pakistan.
3) Bangladesh beats India.
4) Bangladesh beats South Africa.
5) Ireland beats Bangladesh.
6) ...
There will be few more surprises before the final ball being bowled at Barbados.
உங்கள் -
பிரிவு : My Corner
Apr 13, 2007
Long way to go....
A new traffic changes near Sardar Patel Road, Chennai are coming into force from this Sunday (April 15th). The below image explains the new traffic rules better.
While returning home after work, I used to take the SP Road at AS and right on the Concord signal, which is hardly 100 meters. With these new changes, I have to travel all the way till Little Mount and then to Raj Bhavan and then take left at Concord Signal, it would come around 2 - 3 kms.
உங்கள் -
பிரிவு : My Life
India on Fire
India might have failed to fire in ICC World Cup but definitely not while testing Agni III.
Though the maiden test was failed nine months back, our researchers have bounced back strongly to make the second attempt a success with technological improvements.
Hudos to all contributed to this success!!!
உங்கள் -
பிரிவு : இந்தியா
Apr 11, 2007
Why do we have one?
How many of the Supreme Court Judgements on politically influenced cases were implemented in the recent past?
1) Parliament Attack.
2) Cauvery Water Sharing.
3) Sealing drive in New Delhi.
4) Reservation for OBC.
5) Many in the past and to follow ...
were rejected / ignored by the government or politicians.
If the government's or politician's decision was final, why do we need a SC?
உங்கள் -
பிரிவு : இந்தியா
Apr 10, 2007
Is it a worthy topic?
The topic of discussion on the recent episode of "Neeya Naana" on Star Vijay was interesting.
"Who is good? The Back Benchers or the Front Benchers"
Was this topic worth a discussion? To our surprise, the episode was extended for two weeks. I was impressed with the way Gopi concluded few discussion in the past. So, I was interested in how he is going to conclude this one.
His conclusion on this topic was still impressive. His conclusion was 'The society has drawn line to differentiate people for silly reason. This attitude has to be changed among people to have a greater and safer society.'
Impressive in-deed, right.
உங்கள் -
பிரிவு : My Corner
In search for new Shelter
Until my house owner told us the rent would be increased, the idea of relocating to a new house never crossed my mind. Roamed around Velacherry for couple of days in hot sun to find a house for rent.
All of a sudden, Hema sowed the idea of buying a house, may be new; may be old. "Honey, thatz a good idea, but where is the money?". No time to find an answer, the Search begins. Otherwise, the rates will double itself.
Visited several houses, but yet to find a house. Nothing impressed me in the first look. In recent past, this has occupied my mind and was feeling restless. I don't want to rush things and get into problems later.
A good house for our self is worth the time it takes to find.
உங்கள் -
பிரிவு : My Life